You Can’t Win Them All

In LCBlog, Real Estate Business Marketing, Small Business Branding, Wellness Business Marketing by Jenna BalegnoLeave a Comment

Consider ketchup. I don’t like ketchup. Call me crazy, but there is something I just cannot get past with it. I love tomatoes, I’m obsessed with bolognese, and don’t even get me started on bloody marys… but ketchup, just not for me. Before you close out of your browser and never visit this blog again, let me explain. I bring up condiments because I think my distaste for ketchup is a great metaphor for a concept that I have only recently come to accept, and that is the fact that pleasing everyone is virtually impossible. (I also just like talking about food).

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Now, this might seem incredibly simple, but this idea becomes crucial as you start to pump your energy into growing your following and building your business. At least it did for me. As a entrepreneur, it is likely that your business is based on how you go about things. I’ve said it here and I’ll say it again: Your views and your style and your methods, they are your business. That business just isn’t going to be for everyone… Period. And guess what? That is OK. In fact, it is more than OK. It is ideal. Why? Because as you speak to your audience authentically and disseminate your thoughts without judgement on yourself, you will organically weed out the students and clients that aren’t a good fit which is a pretty amazing thing. If someone’s personality doesn’t jive with the way you operate, they won’t experience much benefit from what you are offering anyway!

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Aiming to please is one thing, but aiming to please EVERYONE? It is kind of a lost cause. Constantly trying to make everyone like you will inevitably get in the way of being natural. Just focus on being genuine, start from a good place, and let your audience decide the rest because the fact of the matter is, you might not appeal to everyone. Even if you’re ketchup.

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