Influence brand perception

In LCBlog, Small Business Branding by Jenna BalegnoLeave a Comment

Brand perception is everything when it comes to another human being coming into contact with your business for the first time. The font in your logo, the accent color of your website, the use of “there” instead of “their” in an email (ok that last one is just me judging)… What I’m saying is, it takes a split second for someone to form an opinion of your business. This is why I feel so passionate about brands and the psychology behind how we, as humans, perceive them.

Changing the background color of your website from purple to green can influence your brand perception. I don’t care who you are, that is p-o-w-e-r-f-u-l. So I tend to nerd out on these things a bit but really, why not harness some of this influence you have by developing a cohesive message designed to evoke a feeling. Many people inherently like to come to their own conclusions. By focusing on the feeling rather than an action you’d like someone to take, you are essentially letting them decide for themselves.

Combining elements into a perfect storm of brand cohesiveness makes for an enjoyable experience for your ideal clients. When all of the pieces of the puzzle fit together – does your flaming pink logo really express what you are doing at your accounting firm? – people catch on, relate to the personality that your business is exuding, and most likely will trust your business more after an initial impression.

Just some food for thought.

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